How To Cure Piles Successfully by Herbal Treatment

July 24, 2022 by admin0

45,000 species of plants (species) have been discovered in India to date. Among them, only 4,000 species of plants have medicinal/herbal properties. Most of these plants are used in traditional Indian medicine such as Ayurveda, Unani (medicine), Siddha (South Indian medicine), Tantra medicine, naturopathy, and tribal medicine, totka medicine. The unwritten use of many trees and plants, vines and leaves, roots, and barks are scattered all over India and West Bengal. This post, How To Cure Piles Successfully by Herbal Treatment references a few herbs that are given in the treatment of diseases for the benefit of the readers. Hope, How To Cure Piles Successfully by Herbal Treatment will be handy for patients.


Hemorrhoids cause pain in body parts. Symptoms of the disease: There are 2 types of hemorrhoids. (1) Outer, (2) Inner. The anus is an external hemorrhoid and is itchy, irritated, and sometimes burning. It is very difficult to walk and defecate at that time. This condition lasts for a week and usually subsides. But it appears again. The internal aorta bleeds and the blood comes out through the fins. The first condition is very painful. Swelling comes out during the toilet. Bleeding occurs as a result. After being fine for a few days, the bleeding suddenly started again. If the disease is old, there is no burning pain. But only bleeding. As a result, the patient becomes anemic. Difficulty breathing. The Chest starts pounding.

  • Cause of disease:

  • Suffering from constipation for a long time. Liver lesions. Heart disease Hemorrhoids are small tumors inside and outside the anus. Blood accumulates in the tumor, dilating and thickening the arteries. Bleeding starts from this artery.
  • Herbal treatment:

(1) Piles has a lump. No bleeding. Then take 3-4 drops of neem seeds in water in the morning and afternoon and the acne will disappear.

(2) Bruising, pain, bleeding in hemorrhoids. In this case, the juice of burnt gourd mixed with sugar and applied gives very good results.

(3) Mixing haritaki powder with sugarcane molasses and applying haritaki kai gives results in a few days.

(4) Mix 3-4 teaspoons of beetroot juice with warm milk and consume it for a few days to stop hemorrhoid bleeding.

(5) If bleeding is high in hemorrhoids, 1 teaspoon of onion juice mixed with water and consumed regularly will slowly stop the bleeding.

(6) For those who have external hemorrhoids, if they put the powder of Akanda leaves on fire and apply that smoke, within a few days the scars will disappear, and sometimes they will fall off.

(7) If black sesame seeds are heated in ghee, tied in a ball, and baked, the acne will disappear within 1-2 days.

(8) Consuming the juice of Apang tree and burning the dried Apang tree after consuming 1 gram twice a day after consuming the ash twice a day will give infallible results.

(9) Parda, which is found inside the cells of Batabi lemon like a thin eyelid, is especially beneficial for Piles if 2-3 grams of Parda is mixed with 1-2 teaspoons of sugar.

(10) Mashkalai 10-15 grams boiled in 4-5 cups of water and made a decoction, that decoction is taken in the morning and afternoon and if soaked cotton and applied to the wound, the irritation and pain are removed and the wound cools down.

(11) Boiling 20-25 grams of red beetroot and mixing it with a little ghee and salt gives special benefits to Piles.

How Cure Piles

  • Allopathic treatment:

Regular toileting is usually arranged. For this, Laxena, Dulcolax, etc. are said to be taken. Anodexyl, Anugesic, Anusol, etc. are also prescribed. If it is serious, it is better to be admitted to the hospital. It is better to give an injection in internal hemorrhoids.

  • Homeopathic treatment:

Apose, Nax, Calke, CP, Aconite, Belladonna, Arnica, Capsicum, etc., are prescribed according to symptoms.

  • Immune system and diet:

It is better to eat a little more vegetables. A lot of water should be consumed. Do not hold back bowel movements. Avoid junk food as much as possible. It is good to eat papaya, ripe banana, orange, cucumber, etc.

How Cure Piles

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