How To Cure Dysentery Successfully by Herbal Treatment

July 25, 2022 by admin0

45,000 species of plants (species) have been discovered in India to date. Among them, only 4,000 species of plants have medicinal/herbal properties. Most of these plants are used in traditional Indian medicine such as Ayurveda, Unani (medicine), Siddha (South Indian medicine), Tantra medicine, naturopathy, and tribal medicine, totka medicine. The unwritten use of many trees and plants, vines and leaves, roots, and barks are scattered all over India and West Bengal. This post, How To Cure Dysentery Successfully by Herbal Treatment references a few herbs that are given in the treatment of diseases for the benefit of the readers. Hope, How To Cure Dysentery Successfully by Herbal Treatment will be handy for patients.



Dysentery is a common and prevalent disease in West Bengal. There are mainly 2 types of dysentery. (1) Caused by amoeba-protozoa (2) Bacillary dysentery.

Symptoms: Uncomfortable lower abdominal pain in amoebic dysentery. Foul-smelling stools and mucus and blood may also be present. In this case, contraction is more. The body is dehydrated. Bacillary dysentery occurs suddenly and quickly becomes fatal. In this case, the contraction is more. Belly biting is less. The body becomes dehydrated.

Cause of disease:

Amoebic dysentery is caused by infection with the protozoan Entamoeba histolytica.

Bacillary dysentery is caused by a type of bacteria called Sigella. In the attack of this bacterium, large pieces of the mucous membrane come out with stool in the shape of a mango, and blood is released from the capillary network. As a result, blood dysentery.

Herbal treatment:

(1) Dry beetroot powder mixed with a little Shata Tok curd at home cures dysentery.

(2) In white and blood dysentery, 2 jam-leaves, durba-5-7 grams and a little pomegranate leaf are crushed and mixed with warm warm milk for 2 days to cure both types of dysentery.

(3) In old dysentery dry cochineal powder taken at home mixed with sour curd twice a day cures dysentery. If there is blood with the mango, then you have to mix a little bit of juice.

(4) A decoction of fresh 4-5 grams of Arjuna bark (bark) mixed with milk cures blood dysentery.

(5) Gandhavaduli (Gandal) – Hot fresh leaf juice with 8-10 drops of honey cures dysentery.

(6) In long-standing dysentery, standing is no longer possible. In this case, taking a decoction of 10 grams of fresh leaves and stems of Lajjavati with a little chilli powder is a cure.

(7) Thankuni is an effective herb for dysentery. Can be eaten as paste, decoction, vegetable. Thankuni also works well to improve memory.

(8) If there is abdominal pain and colic along with dysentery, 30 drops of raw papaya paste mixed with 1 teaspoon of water and a little milk works very well in this case.

(9) Juice of 2-3 fruits of Gamar, mixed with 2 teaspoons of pomegranate juice a day eating 2-3 times prevents blood dysentery.

(10) Kudchi bark (bark) boiled water 10 ml quantity 2-3 times a day cures dysentery in 2 days.

How Cure Dysentery

In allopathic treatment:

Flagyl, Metrogyl, enteroquinol (of course enteroquinol is a banned drug), and tetracycline are used in different strengths. Tetracycline, Ampicillin, Streptomycin, Furoxone, Norflox, etc. are used in bacillary dysentery.

In homeopathic treatment:

Marxol, Nux, Aconite, Carbovage, Belladonna, Aloe, Calcarea carb, Colchicum, etc., may be used according to the symptoms.

Food: Milk without butter, glucose water, ORS solution, Electrol, chir decoction, and non-vegetarian food with vitamins can be given. In bacillary dysentery, easily digestible nutritious food should be given.

How Cure Dysentery

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